



                        INTEGRATION OVERVIEW                                                                                                                        Our technological architecture

FISCORP, Fiscal Management Software that meets all the legal requirements, in a CLOUD environment and that can be Integrated to any ERP in the World through the SOA architecture - Service Oriented Architecture, which enables International ERP'S to be in fiscal compliance and Electronic Messageria in Brazil without large investments.

With the FISCORP BRAZIL Integration Kit, SOA Integration is very fast in Local or International Third Party ERPs, all supported by the United Systems team.

In addition to complying with the Legal Requirements, it also meets the specific Business Requirements of Brazil, where the following Modules are also available:

Compliance of Legal and Business Requirements:

- Receipt of Materials from National Suppliers

- Receipt of Materials from International Suppliers (Issuance of Invoice of Entry and Transportation)

- Receiving Customer Returns

- Receipt of invoices for the processing of materials / products of customers

- Receipt of Return of Processing / Industrialization in Third Parties

- Automatic Receipts via .xml sent by suppliers),

- Billing (Issuance of invoices via ERP Order Entry or Specific invoices)

- Issuance of electronic invoices (NF-e, NFS-e, etc.).

- Receipt and Control of Fixed Assets